Friday, January 4, 2008

Powder Alert In Narnia

For all of you dedicated powder bunnies out there that have been demanding pictures of Narnia (that's you Ian), I will break my sacred blogging covenant of swearing allegiance to the written word to show you my secret.

For this promiscuous sin, I must submit to a blindfolded torment at the skilled hands of Nurse Myra in the cellar of Gimcrack Hospital.

For those of you uninterested, or no longer interested in the white stuff (Zhu), please link away now...

... or step through the wardrobe... to Beaverboosh's Narnia!

P.S. This one is for you Johnny!


Anonymous said...

oh wow. those photos are fantastic

(even though I still hate snow)

Anonymous said...

Where is the lion? I want the lion!

I actually like seeing the white stuff in other country. Makes me feel better ya know, like I'm not the only one shoveling :P

Anonymous said...

Those are so beautiful! I want to go back there so badly, just for a little while.

Johnada said...

Looks so nice, I bet it's hard for you to drink your fermented urine and then spell your name in the snow when you repiss it. Of course, you had to drink a lot of Pissbrew to spell beaverboosh.

By the way that might be the first time in history that anyone has effectively used the term repiss.

Slavedude275 said...

That's my Norway!! Thanx Beaver! I actually miss the skiing trips and the cozy moments in front of the fire place now!!

beaverboosh said...

nursemyra - it is a magical place in the mountains! Thankfully less snow to deal with in the city!

Zhu - the lion is buried under the snow, 2nd row, picture 6. Hey, I have a new routine: shovel and blog, shovel and blog!

lettershometoyou - Ian, here's hoping you get to Norway (again) some day for some skiing!

Too right. It is so cold in the mountains that your wee freezes in your kidneys unless you drink Aquavit! Beaverboosh is difficult enough to piss or repiss due to its length, but doable. Thankfully there are no i's to dot or t's to cross, that would be a killer.
Re: Repiss; An historic day for the word! You must get it into your blog!

Understandable, the mountains area a weekend addiction for Girl and me.

TorAa said...

When the trees are dressed with frozen ice, and the Sun light them up; then we talk about something.
The days just before Christmas here in Oslo was a true fairytale world.